Thursday, May 28, 2020

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Monday, May 11, 2020

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Alice in wonderland quiz

The magic tree

The magic tree

One day in a strange valley far from here there was a fierce storm
the wind howled
like a wolf pack about to eat their prey.
All the trees tumbled to the ground as if they were toy soldiers…
all but one it was the tallest and the oldest of them all.
No harm came to it except that its old dreary bark peeled off layer by layer.
Soon there was a blanket of soft mossy bark that lay on the ground. 
It revealed the core of the tree; it was a whole new world;
it was a misty green inside and the moon was twice as bright as ours.
Nobody knew about this place ( or world if you prefer. )  except the very old rabbit.
He looked like a shrew that had been cooked in a frying pan. He knew the tree
like the palm of his hand. When he was a
little rabbit he used to hop up and into the hole at the top of the big beautiful tree.
He knew which tree it was since from the core there was a warm friendly glow which shone
like a small flickering candle. Years after people found the valley and vines dangled down
and hid the portal.
One day they built a house near the tree and the tree became part of the land.
people moved in they were a family of three the mother the father and the little girl.
When the
mother and father were unpacking the father said to the little girl
- Rose go outside and explore. 
( the trees had grown back by now so Rose did as she was told)
She happily skipped off into the woods in search of a new hut .
when she came across the oldest tree she said to herself
- Why its perfect! 
So she stepped in. She was dreadfully confused.
She was considering all
this when a voice behind her startled her.
She spun around and saw a hedgehog.
- Well it couldn't be him.
She said to herself.
- Actually it could be. 

said the hedgehog.
when she explained everything and he explained
everything they become friends and Rose has been going there ever since! 

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Enviro maths

                                                                       I made a forest.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Enviro maths


 The wind loud and powerful is his roar flying down from the sky like 
a shooting  star.He comes out at night and watches for danger for us if he sees any 
he sends  lightning down from his perch . ( even though sometimes he kills us on accident ) . 

When we are scared he sends rain lightly patting on the roof like a cat coming on soft paddy paws