Monday, December 6, 2021
my background
Sunday, December 5, 2021
10 things we would bring on our voyage
I would bring on my ocean voyage
Chicken ( pre cooked )
Muesli bars
Canned spaghetti and meatballs
Pizza ( pre cooked )
Today in whenua our buddy's came over from takutai.We watched a video explaining how they navigated in 50,000 B.C .then we got told to write 10 things we would bring on our voyage so make sure to look on my buddies blog ( Pation ) as well as was really fun discussing what we would put on our ship.
Elise 😺
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Reflection on muesli making
Reflection on muesli making
For the past 5 weeks when the year 7 and 8s where away at tech we researched different muesli and what ingredients that they had in them so that we could get a good idea of what nutritional things we could put our muesli on the same day we also looked at the nutritional value.
Then we made our recipe with the notes we made that might make a good muesli we worked on making our recipe for about two days then we designed our box ( i wasn't there that day so I cant explain much about that part ) Then ( on the day i wasnt sick anymore) we decorated and made our muesli boxes stand out.
The next week we bring our ingredients to school and started making our muesli. I changed the recipe a little and I replaced the apricots with cranberries. I don't think I would change any thing, i tasted good and I think that's the main thing.
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Little miss storys
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
fly me up
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Thursday, October 21, 2021
The fire blazes ever so bright
it's heat is warm
its flames are light
it looks like a raging storm
sorrow is tearing at your soul
it feels like a great big hole
in the midst of your body
sorrow is nothing but a great big hole
soccer is fun
its like you are in a bun
it cheers you up
its really like you are plying in a cup
Today we did Quatrains witch is a French type of poem it was actually really hard
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
compare and contrast
Sunday, September 26, 2021
toy description for kitty jet packs
kitty jet packs are cute cuddly and make you fly and feel the wind in your face WHILE being perfectly safe!This cute friend can stay on your lap alllllllllllllllll day.Plus it can grant you wishes ( its a magic cat and a real one.)So come to the stores NOW to get your kitty jet pack ( only available in New Zealand so lucky you! ) p.s it never turns evil
pick a path
Hi everybody today I made a pick a path I had a blog contract that gave me and my friend the idea!
there once was a cowboy named bun
who never went out in the sun
he purchased a cat
hit it with a bat
and had a whole lot of fun
there once was a dog named frog
who had a habit of drinking egg nog
his breath was so stinky
that he went all blinky
and then fell in a bog
Hi everybody today we did limericks as writeing I hope you like them I found them quite hard.You might have noticed that all the other poems we where doing have the rimeing scheme of AABB and this one has AABBA and has five lines.
Thursday, September 23, 2021
calendar art
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Cleirhew poems
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Here lies ol drunken
who thought the world was a pumpkin
he twirled round and round
and sunk under ground
then there came no more sound
here lies sir eatsalot
who ate until his teeth rot
his dentist said to him
I'll throw you in a bin
and no more was heard of him
here lies miss quiz
whose brain worked like a whizz
but when she thought hard
her head shrunk to the size of a card
Today we did Epitaphs,epitaphs are some thing you wright on someones grave but they can be used to be a joke like our class did.i hope you find mine funny because i had real fun doing them :). Any one can do them so it would be cool if you did some as well so I can see yours too.
Elise 😺
Monday, September 20, 2021
acrostic poems
Tree climber
Yo-yo harasser
Daringly disgusting smelly creatures
Overweight stupid pig nosed fat species
Gross sweaty fur balls
So dumb they smell peoples butts
( please do not take offence )
Today as you can see above we did acrostic poems.We had to do the first one with just words and the second one with sentences as you can probably see cats are my favourite animal.( please do not take offence with the dog acrostic poem ) we sort of did a compitition with the dog lovers and cat lovers I was a cat lover ( i think the cat lovers won go cats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
Elise 😺
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Manga came from japan
The 2021 Paralympics where held there
Most creepy legends came from japan
They are famous for skateboarding
Their flag is a red dot in the middle of white
Notes for 1964 paralympic video
The paralympians are in wheelchairs
The opening ceremony was people dressed in white paraded around the running track clashing cymbals and people drumming .
Some teams have only 1 or 2 people in it.
They line up in alphabetical order once all the teams have finished marching around the stadium.
Doves are set free once someone takes something from the person behind him
Some random people go running around wildly in martial art uniforms with swords then a man in traditional samurai clothes leading the people in martial art uniform in a line .
The race contestants have to go through a different hard part of the course.
relay race…
long distance javelin
women's discus
club throwing
Women's fencing
Weight lifting
3 differences between the 2021 paralympics and the one in 1964
The paralympics are more valued now than then
More people want to watch it and they make it sound and look more exciting
The people who were watching where more enthusiastic in 2021
I agree with the statement “ disabled people have not always been included in japan because in the reading part it said quite strongly that disabled people have not always been included in japan there was even a whole section about it!
3 interesting facts I learnt yesterday
That disabled people in china get treated unfairly
The first paralympics where held in greece in 1960
There are color coding systems in railways
From auckland,nz to tokyo japan
Stopovers : 0
Time to get there : 10 Hours and 30 mins
Distance : 9,346 KM
Cost : 2,603
From canberra australia to tokyo japan
Stopovers :1 or more
Time to get there : 15 hours and 10 mins
Distance : 7,945 Km
Cost : 4,832
Berlin,germany to tokyo japan
Stopovers : 1 or more
Time to get there : 14 hours 25 mins
Distance : 7,945
Cost : 1,522
Beijing china
Electric hybrid vehicles because hybrids can help save the environment as well as giving access for disabled people.So I find them very useful.
A value that you agree with and is important to you.
I value my friends and family
People value different things because we are all different
The four values of the IPC are courage,determination,equality and inspiration
Paralympic sports
5 Sports in the paralympics
Wheelchair fencing
Sports that have been added for the paralympics
Goal ball
When was it introduced?
Boccia was introduced in1984
How do you play it?
There is a white ball in the middle called the jack and the players have to throw their balls at it and at the end they measure the distance in between his/her ball and the ball the closest to the white one wins.( it is sort of like petanque or bowls )
Is there any special equipment used?
No if you don’t include the measuring tape
Fun Fact
Boccia in spanish means ball
When was it introduced?
Judo was first introduced to the paralympics in 1988
How do you play it?
The aim of the game in judo is to throw the opponent to the ground,pin them or do a choking hold on them, the first one to do one of the three above wins.
Is there any special equipment used?
Fun fact
Judo means the gentle way
Four parathlites
Holly robinson
Sophie pascoe
Article for stuff
Paralympics 2021
Today the paralympians from all around the world gather to compete in 22 different sports . Right now we have an exclusive report on one of the paralympians: SOPHIE PASCO!!!
What para sport does she do? : Sophie pasco has been to the paralympics 5 times, all of them competing in the swimming category.
How many medals has Sophie Pascoe won?: this paralympics Sophie Pascoe has won four medals so far.
I think Kiwi and green represents new zealand
The strengths and qualities of somaity ( the paralympic mascot ) represents how that even if disabled people can’t do everything non disabled people CAN that doesn’t mean they aren’t amazing.Parathlites show these values by persevering has to go through the paralympics even if they aren’t the best at it ( or maybe you are and you win at everything in you category ). Somatiy represents access because she ( or he I danno ) has the power to communicate between minds using the cherry blossom pattern on his/her face
3 word describing the paralympic medal design
What is the purpose of an ad?
The purpose of an ad is to advertise and hook people into whatever they are selling.
Where can you find ads?
On the internet,street lamps and on the tv
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
back to school
Sunday, September 5, 2021
what do you meme
Thursday, August 26, 2021
Today we were told to do a DLO ( digital learning object ) on a news subject and I chose the Taliban upraise in Afghanistan. You might have seen stuff talking about the Taliban on television so here is some more info about the here it is :)
New Zealand has raised 3 million dollars to the red cross. The Taliban cultural admission said that new Zealand has always been the first to be concerned about people's health.On Thursday two gunmen and bombers attacked Kabul airport and killed 60 people! The people of Afghanistan had up to the 31 of august for people to be evacuated.The US army evacuated 70,700 people from Kabul! ( that's a lot of people!! ) You might of seen stuff talking about the Taliban on television so here is some more info about the attacks...
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
word of the week
Monday, August 23, 2021
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
ghost citys
Thursday, August 12, 2021
spring rolls
Today we made nutritious spring rolls.To make it more nutritious we didn't deep fry them.The “wrapper” was really cool, slimy and stretchy they tasted really good and we made a peanut dip along with sweet chilli sauce and mayonnaise.The combos went really well together.As you can see above that is us MAKING the spring rolls ( they were really fiddly ) we made them cause when the year 7s are away at tech we do some stuff on on the go snacks.
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
one thing I would change about my school
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Monday, July 5, 2021
job profile
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
is the buzz quiz accurate?
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Top 5 careers
Vet facts : 1.vets are mostly woman ( 80% of them are )
2.vets get the title " Doctor " when they become a vet
3. vet school is hard to pass
Teacher facts: 1. Teachers work 10 hours a day
2. 77% of teachers are women and 54% of principals are women
3. when teachers aren,t i your classroom they will mostly be taking their own classes
Medical doctor
Doctor facts: 1. A french doctor invented the stethoscope
2. Doctors hate trampolines because that is where most of the injures come from and sometimes even death.
3. its estimated that the funnest doctor to be is the family doctor
plumber facts: 1.The word plumber comes from the Latin word plumbum
2. Albert Einstein said that " If I could do it all again I would be a plumber.
3. the B in "plumber" is silent
Farm worker
farm worker facts: workers harvest 37% with vegetables
2. farm workers are one of the most important jobs they take over from the farmer when they have too much to harvest
3. you need the skills to become a farm worker
Hi everyone today we had to do a blog post on 5 careers we saw on a website.We wrote down what ones interested us most,I chose vet up the top but I really want to become a conservationist like Jane Goodall but of coarse there was no conservationist :( so vet was the the closest to one.I enjoyed writing down the facts about the jobs. Elise🐱
Thursday, June 24, 2021
Endangered animals
Hi everybody today in Whenua we did a project where we had to pick a subject to work on and do research on.I chose endangered animals.I did it on a website so you cant see it directly you have to click on the link below.Hope you have a good day Elise 🐱 😊
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
octopus information report
Today my group did a poster about octopus. Octopuses are amazing creatures they can blend into their surroundings in a blink of an eye and they can do different things at a time they are also great escape artistes. In this information report you will find out where they live,what they eat,what species there are and so on.These creatures are extremely smart you will learn more about it as you read through.
Habitat: Octopuses live in many different places under the ocean. Octopus live in kelp forests and coral reefs.octopus tend to prefer warmer waters,meaning they live in the sunlight zone.They also live in tidal rock pools where they can disguise them self's easily.octopus have no skeleton so they can squeeze into small and tight spaces.
Prey: Octopuses eat a lot of different sea creatures.Octopus feed on crabs,clams,snails,small fish and other octopus,octopus are one of the most intelligent creatures in the ocean when it comes to catching prey.Octopus have venom and different octopus have different levels of toxicity which means they can kill their pray easily.
Species: There are 300 species of octopus,for example:mimic octopus,coconut octopus,blanket octopus and Californian two spot octopus.Some species of octopus are rarer than others different species live in different environments such as the pressure as you get deeper .Here are some other types of octopus:blue ringed octopus,giant pacific octopus,common octopus and Caribbean octopus.
Predators: Octopus have a range of predators. Here are some predators of octopus: seals,fish,conger eels,dolphins,many birds,sperm whale and sharks.Octopus have clever ways to defend themselves. They swim headfirst and in times of danger can expel out of the water.
Conclusion:Octopuses are clever 8 legged, 3 heart and 4 brained animals that live underwater.That have around 300 ancestors.Are by far near the top for smartness.
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Hi everyone today we had to do a DLO ( digital learning object ) on a type of energy.I chose fossil fuels and did a site on it.As seen below.please click on it and tell me how you thought it was in the comments.
NZ great walks
Hi everyone today in whenua we had to write down all the great walks of NZ and writing some things about them because we did the weekly quiz and there was a question about the great walks.
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Humpback whales
Hi Kia ora my name is Elise I,m from Paroa school.Today in my class we had to do a DLO ( a digital learning object ) We had to do it about humpback whales we had 2 blocks to finish it.We had to make it creative so I came up with the idea to do a video.We had to post it on our blogs ( this website) the teacher told me to make a better caption so I did my best to do it BTB ( Better than before ) so I hope you like it
all the best Elise🐱
Monday, June 14, 2021
word of the week
Thursday, June 10, 2021
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Harry potter
Harry potter
Today we did a poster on the books we read ,you probably cant see what it says but you can just see the basic out line.As you can probably see I read harry potter.The book was really good I definitely recommend it to you.:)
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Monday, June 7, 2021
Thursday, May 13, 2021
word of the week
book report
my cat likes to hide in boxes
Monday, May 3, 2021
word of the week
Thursday, April 29, 2021
prince philip
Today I did a site about prince Philip how he died and so on I could not put it on here so I have a link instea d I hope you like it.
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Monday, April 12, 2021
the word of the week
Thursday, April 8, 2021
oil spills
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
brainstorm of volcanoes
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
solar panels
solar panels
a video on why having solar panels is good personally I think that everyone should have solar panels ,they save power and save global warming from going any father than what it is right now I hope you enjoyed this video.
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
writing to the birds
Dear birds I am Elise and I think you shouldn't steal our food from us humans and I have three good reasons for why you should stop 1. It might be poisons to you and then you might give it to your baby's and they die 2. If you learn at a young age that stealing from us is where you get your food source and never eat any thing that's healthy for your kind you have a risk of dying too 3. we humans wouldn't be so hungry if you stole the last thing in our lunch!
Dear sparrow,seagull,tit or pidgin or whoever you are if you are a bird who reading this letter then you will get a big shock this letter of complaint for you.You have been stealing our food.I don't see the point in doing so, because this food might be poisons for your kind and if you give it to your baby's they will die! now you don't want that do you?
You should be ashamed of yourselves what if your baby died because of you? whats more your putting your self in danger too,because if you learn from a young age that where the food source and never eat the things that your supposed to like bugs,berry's and even worms then you have a risk of dying yourself!plus why would you even want to steal from humans?I mean you already have food in the wild! the point is that our food might even taste worse than the food in the wild ! And its bad for you!
If you steal the last thing in our lunch box at lunch then its six more hours until dinner!we all need to eat I get it but you birds have other things to eat not just the things out of our lunch box that's what makes me angry.YOU don't have to buy your food you basically have it all around you! you think that where the lucky ones but its you birds that are. You get to fly and see the world from above and below and then you get to steal our food as well ? that's not fair
In conclusion STOP STEALING OUR FOOD!there's no point in doing it you bacillary have food all around you plus it might be poison's for your kind!I hope you will have changed your ways after this letter.
Yours sincerely
P.S If you don't change your ways then I'll chop off your head (like king Henry the 8th ) :)
news reporter thingy for the benifits of exercise
Monday, March 29, 2021
model of the school if it had solar panels
kitty tallk
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Monday, March 22, 2021
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Thursday, March 11, 2021
ocean quiz
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
energy word map
Thursday, March 4, 2021
what now
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
if you had the powers of a chameleon
If you had the powers of a chameleon
If you had the powers of a chameleon you would be able to blend in with the forest.If you were a photographer and take the picture unseen by the animal.If you had the powers of a chameleon and you were a master criminal you could yell for help then blend in with the wall the guards would come running and you could escape through the open door.If you had the powers of a chameleon you wouldn't have to pay for food you could just catch flies instead.
I made a persuasive blog post about If you had
the powers of a chameleon I copied it straight
from out of my book I think next time I could write a bit more.
properties of a circle
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Monday, February 22, 2021
Sunday, February 21, 2021
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Getting to know you
when I made this slide show it made me fell good you should try it so that you have that felling too.I did one half of my face cat because my favourite animal is a cat I added pizza because its my favourite food along with grapes.Reading is also my favourite thing to do.
GIF about shareing
I made a GIF to remind people that you can share Ideas with other people about learning. plus you get extra comments about it! It took one hour at most to make.If you want to make a GIF as well, then you should find a source of ideas